Oregon Ash
Fraxinus latifolia
Synonyms: Fraxinus americana ssp. oregona, Fraxinus oregona, Fraxinus oregona var. latifolia)

Oregon ash with its winged fruit well-formed and the pinnately compound leaf visible as seen along the Springwater Trail east of Gresham, OR between Palmblad Avenue and Rugg Road.......July 8, 2011.
Several views of Oregon ash in bloom along the Springwater Trail between Gresham, OR and Boring, OR.........May 21, 2011.
Oregon ash at left with its winged fruit well-formed as seen along the Springwater Trail east of Gresham, OR between Palmblad Avenue and Rugg Road......July 8, 2011. The image at right shows the fall colors of an Oregon ash as seen at the webmaster's woodland garden in Gresham, OR......October 12, 2024.
Paul Slichter