[Wildflowers West of the
Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington]
The Sunflower Family
West of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington
Cutleaf Fleabane: Erigeron compositus
Updated October 12, 2022
Flower Heads Look Like Dandylions: No disk flowers present.
These members of the sunflower family consist of a head of many long-petaled flowers (ray flowers), typically yellow, orange or white or occasionally bluish.
Flower Heads Look Like Daisies or Sunflowers:
Flowers consist of a central disc of small, short petaled flowers often tightly packed together surrounded by a ring of longer petaled flowers. The longer, outside flowers may be white, yellow, pink, blue, or lavender.
Flower heads generally look like fabric buttons or pincushions when viewed from above: Flower heads generally consist entirely of disk flowers. Ray flowers are usually absent, although some species may rarely show one to several ray flowers per head.