[Members of the Sunflower Family Found West of the Cascade Mountains With Flower Heads Consisting Entirely of Ray Flowers]

Western Rattlesnakeroot, Western Rattlesnake Root, Western White Lettuce

Nabalus hastatus

Synonyms: Prenanthes alata, Prenanthes lessingii

Western Rattlesnakeroot, Western Rattlesnake Root, Western White Lettuce: Nabalus hastatus (Synonyms: Prenanthes alata, Prenanthes lessingii)

Western rattlesnake root in bloom near Angels Rest in the western Columbia River Gorge.........summer 2009.

Basal leaves of Western Rattlesnakeroot, Western Rattlesnake Root, Western White Lettuce: Nabalus hastatus (Synonyms: Prenanthes alata, Prenanthes lessingii)

Close-up image of the attractive basal leaves of western rattlesnake root as seen along the Saddle Mountain Trail (near the trailhead) in the Coast Range of northwestern Oregon.........May 2, 2016.

Basal leaf of Western Rattlesnakeroot, Western Rattlesnake Root, Western White Lettuce: Nabalus hastatus (Synonyms: Prenanthes alata, Prenanthes lessingii)

Basal leaf of western rattlesnake root as seen in forest at the base of Saddle Mountain in the Coast Range of northwestern Oregon.........May 21, 2009. Note roughly triangular leaf blade (with rounded tip) and winged petioles.

Paul Slichter