Orange Agoseris, Slender Agoseris
Agoseris aurantiaca var. aurantiaca
Synonyms: Agoseris angustissima, Agoseris arachnoidea, Agoseris aurantiaca ssp. aurantiaca, Agoseris gracilens, Agoseris greenei, Agoseris howellii, Agoseris nana, Agoseris prionophylla, Agoseris subalpina, Agoseris vulcanica

Orange agoseris observed along the Pacific Crest Trail #2000 on the north side of Big Red Mountain, Siskiyou Crest, Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest.........July 16, 2020.

Orange agoseris blooming in vernally moist meadows at the Conrad Meadow trailhead for the South Tieton Trail #1120, Wenatchee National Forest.........June 28, 2013. Because it's pink, this is the rare var. carnea.

The burnt orange flower head of orange agoseris as seen from near Todd Lake in the Three Sisters Wilderness.
Paul Slichter