[Goldenrods: The Genus Solidgo West of the Cascade Mts. of Oregon and Washington]

Manyray Goldenrod, Northern Goldenrod, Rocky Mountain Goldenrod

Solidago multiradiata

Synonyms: Solidago multiradiata ssp. scopulorum, Solidago multiradiata var. scopulorum

Manyray Goldenrod, Northern Goldenrod, Rocky Mountain Goldenrod: Solidago multiradiata (Synonyms: Solidago multiradiata ssp. scopulorum, Solidago multiradiata var. scopulorum)

Dwarf goldenrod as seen amongst granitic boulders atop the Lakes Lookout, Wallowa-Whitman National Forest..........July 25, 2013.


Northern goldenrod is a fairly attractive rock garden plant with one to several erect to spreading stems from 5-50 cm high. The leaves are oblanceolate or spatulate with acute to obtuse tips. The margins are entire to minutely toothed towards the tips. The upper and lower leaf surfaces are glabrous with the margins ciliate (at least on the petioles). The basal leaves are petiolate and 2-10 cm long and 5-18 mm wide. The stem leaves are loosely arranged, alternate, and can remain fairly large to mid stem before becoming reduced in size. The stem leaves are also sessile or partly clasping.

The inflorescence consists of a few heads in a dense terminal cluster, or more loosely arranged with a terminal cluster and several small clusters of flower heads offset below and to the side of the terminal cluster. The involucre is 4-7 mm high with linear or lance-linear bracts having acute to obtuse tips. There are 25-60 flowers to a head with a central disk surrounded by 10-20 yellowish rays, each 2-5.5 mm long.


Northern goldenrod is found on gravelly to rocky open slopes in the mountains and subalpine meadows from 1600m-4500m in elevation.


Northern goldenrod may be found from Alaska and eastern Siberia south through the mountains to California, Arizona and New Mexico. It is found eastward to Labrador, Newfoundland and Quebec.

Manyray Goldenrod, Northern Goldenrod, Rocky Mountain Goldenrod: Solidago multiradiata (Synonyms: Solidago multiradiata ssp. scopulorum, Solidago multiradiata var. scopulorum) - Manyray Goldenrod, Northern Goldenrod, Rocky Mountain Goldenrod: Solidago multiradiata (Synonyms: Solidago ciliosa, Solidago multiradiata ssp. scopulorum, Solidago multiradiata var. scopulorum, Solidago scopulorum)

Northern goldenrod as seen at the Kiger Gorge Overlook, Steens Mountain, Harney County, OR.........August 31, 2011.

Manyray Goldenrod, Northern Goldenrod, Rocky Mountain Goldenrod: Solidago multiradiata (Synonyms: Solidago multiradiata ssp. scopulorum, Solidago multiradiata var. scopulorum) - Close-up of the flower heads of Manyray Goldenrod, Northern Goldenrod, Rocky Mountain Goldenrod: Solidago multiradiata (Synonyms: Solidago multiradiata ssp. scopulorum, Solidago multiradiata var. scopulorum)

Northern goldenrod blooming at about 8800' on the northeastern flanks of Strawberry Mountain, Strawberry Mountain Wilderness........August 3, 2011.

Manyray Goldenrod, Northern Goldenrod, Rocky Mountain Goldenrod: Solidago multiradiata (Synonyms: Solidago multiradiata ssp. scopulorum, Solidago multiradiata var. scopulorum)

Northern goldenrod beginning to bloom on a talus slope along the Roads End Trail about 100 meters in from the Trailhead, Strawberry Mountain Wilderness........August 19, 2011.

Manyray Goldenrod, Northern Goldenrod, Rocky Mountain Goldenrod: Solidago multiradiata (Synonyms: Solidago multiradiata ssp. scopulorum, Solidago multiradiata var. scopulorum)

Northern goldenrod blooming at a moist seep along the Roads End Trail #201A several hundred yards from the junction with the Onion Creek Trail #368, Strawberry Mountain Wilderness..........July 18, 2013.
Manyray Goldenrod, Northern Goldenrod, Rocky Mountain Goldenrod: Solidago multiradiata (Synonyms: Solidago multiradiata ssp. scopulorum, Solidago multiradiata var. scopulorum)
A side view of northern goldenrod from along the east side of Highway Pass, Denali National Park.........August 23, 2006.

Close-up of the leaf margins of Manyray Goldenrod, Northern Goldenrod, Rocky Mountain Goldenrod: Solidago multiradiata (Synonyms: Solidago multiradiata ssp. scopulorum, Solidago multiradiata var. scopulorum)

The photo above shows the minute hairs (best visible with a hand lens) lining the edges of the broad base of each leaf of northern goldenrod from the east side of Highway Pass, Denali National Park........August 23, 2006.

Close-up of the inflorescence of Manyray Goldenrod, Northern Goldenrod, Rocky Mountain Goldenrod: Solidago multiradiata (Synonyms: Solidago ciliosa, Solidago multiradiata ssp. scopulorum, Solidago multiradiata var. scopulorum, Solidago scopulorum)

The photo above shows dwarf goldenrod as seen above High Camp above 7400' on the north side of Mt. Adams........August 2, 2003.

Upper stem leaves and inflorescence of Manyray Goldenrod, Northern Goldenrod, Rocky Mountain Goldenrod: Solidago multiradiata (Synonyms: Solidago multiradiata ssp. scopulorum, Solidago multiradiata var. scopulorum)

The photo above is a close-up of a leaf of dwarf goldenrod as seen at 7400 feet on the moraine below Mazama Glacier, Mt. Adams.......August 4, 2001.

Close-up of the ventral surface of a stem leaf of Manyray Goldenrod, Northern Goldenrod, Rocky Mountain Goldenrod: Solidago multiradiata (Synonyms: Solidago multiradiata ssp. scopulorum, Solidago multiradiata var. scopulorum)

The photo above is a close-up of a leaf of dwarf goldenrod as seen at 7400 feet on the moraine below Mazama Glacier, Mt. Adams........August 4, 2001.

Paul Slichter