[Tarplants and Tarweeds: The General Hemizonella and Madia West of the Cascade Mts. of Oregon and Washington]

Cluster Tarweed, Mountain Tarplant, Mountain Tarweed, Stinking Tarweed

Madia glomerata

Flower head and upper stem leaves of Cluster Tarweed, Mountain Tarplant, Mountain Tarweed, Stinking Tarweed: Madia glomerata

The upper stem leaves and flower head of mountain tarweed as seen along Forest Road #1647 in southeastern Logan Valley, Malheur National Forest.........July 18, 2010.

Cluster Tarweed, Mountain Tarplant, Mountain Tarweed, Stinking Tarweed: Madia glomerata - Cluster Tarweed, Mountain Tarplant, Mountain Tarweed, Stinking Tarweed: Madia glomerata

Mountain tarweed as seen blooming along Forest Road #1647 in southeastern Logan Valley, Malheur National Forest........July 18, 2010.

Flower head and upper stem leaves of Cluster Tarweed, Mountain Tarplant, Mountain Tarweed, Stinking Tarweed: Madia glomerata - Flower head and upper stem leaves of Cluster Tarweed, Mountain Tarplant, Mountain Tarweed, Stinking Tarweed: Madia glomerata - Cluster Tarweed, Mountain Tarplant, Mountain Tarweed, Stinking Tarweed: Madia glomerata

The photo above shows a close-up of the inflorescence of mountain tarweed as seen along Umatilla National Forest Road #44 near Cook Spring in southeastern Washington.........June 25, 2007. The heads are narrower than those of other species found east of the Cascade Mts. Note also the numerous glands on the upper leaves and on the involucral bracts. Also note the spreading hairs from the margins of the leaves.

Cluster Tarweed, Mountain Tarplant, Mountain Tarweed, Stinking Tarweed: Madia glomerata - Inflorescenc of Cluster Tarweed, Mountain Tarplant, Mountain Tarweed, Stinking Tarweed: Madia glomerata

Mountain tarweed blooming at left along the Ochoco Mountain Trail #823 along upper Rock Creek, Ochoco National Forest.........July 12, 2017. The photo at right shows mountain tarweed in bloom along the Stubblefield Trail at Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge.......July 4, 2018.

Paul Slichter