California Hazel, California Hazelnut
Corylus cornuta ssp. californica
Synonyms: Corylus californica, Corylus cornuta var. californica, Corylus cornuta var. glandulosa, Corylus rostrata var. californica, Corylus rostrata var. tracyi
A close-up view of the female flower and male catkins of California hazelnut as seen along the Springwater Trail at Powell Butte, west of Gresham, OR.........February 22, 2012. The male catkins are generally single or occasionally paired.
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Additional close-up views of the female flower and male catkins of California hazelnut as seen along the Springwater Trail at Powell Butte, west of Gresham, OR........February 22, 2012.
Close-ups of the leaves and fringed bract or sheath that surrounds the developing filbert as seen along the Springwater Trail between Palmblad Road and Rugg Road in southern Multnomah County, Oregon......July 8, 2011.
A close-up of the female flower and the male catkins of California hazelnut as seen along the Springwater Trail at Powell Butte to the west of Gresham, Oregon.........March 8, 2012. Note the hairs on the bud scales surrounding the female flower. The bud scales of common filbert (Corylus avellana) are glabrous.
Paul Slichter