Gray Alder, Mountain Alder, Thinleaf Alder
Alnus incana ssp. tenuifolia
Synonyms: Alnus incana var. occidentalis, Alnus incana var. virescens, Alnus occidentalis, Alnus xpurpusii, Alnus rugosa, Alnus rugosa var. occidentalis, Alnus tenuifolia, Alnus tenuifolia var. occidentalis
Close-up view of the upper leaf surface (left) and lower leaf surface (right) of mountain alder as seen from seeps along the Canyon Mountain Trail #218, Strawberry Mountain Wilderness........August 19, 2011.
Close-up views of the upper leaf surface and a leaf bud of mountain alder as seen from the shoreline of the Deschutes River in the eastern Columbia River Gorge........September 29, 2007.
Close-up views of the lower leaf surface of mountain alder as seen from the shoreline of the Deschutes River in the eastern Columbia River Gorge......September 29, 2007.
Mountain alder growing in a sedge meadow along Summit Creek where it crosses Forest Service Road 1647, Malheur National Forest........August 4, 2011.
Additional photos of mountain alder growing along Forest Service Road #16 at Big Creek in Logan Valley, Malheur National Forest........August 20, 2011.
Paul Slichter