Bordered California Brome, Large Mountain Brome, Mountain Brome
Bromus sitchensis var. marginatus
Synonyms: Bromus breviaristatus, Bromus carinatus var. linearis, Bromus carinatus var. marginatus, Bromus marginatus, Bromus marginatus var. breviaristatus, Bromus marginatus var. latior, Bromus marginatus var. marginatus, Bromus marginatus var. seminudus, Bromus subvelutinus, Ceratochloa marginata

A close-up of the spikelets of what may be mountain brome as seen in floriferous meadows near the summit of Patterson Mountain, Washington Department of Natural Resources lands, Okanogan County, Washington........June 12, 2011.
Additional close-ups of the spikelets and leaf joints of what may be mountain brome as seen in floriferous meadows near the summit of Patterson Mountain, Washington Department of Natural Resources lands, Okanogan County, Washington.......June 12, 2011. Variety marginatus is usually identified from the similar variety carinatus by its more erect or ascending panicle branches and shorter awns (less than 8 mm).
Additional close-ups of mountain brome as seen along the North Loop Road near the head of Fish Creek, Steens Mountain, Harney County, Oregon.........August 31, 2011.The plants here have panicles that are more open and ascending than erect (as in the photos from Patterson Mountain above). Although variety carinatus has been observed and recorded from nearby, this would key out as variety marginatus because most of the awns are less than 8 mm in length.
Additional close-ups of what appears to be mountain brome as seen along the Roads End Trail #201A and Onion Creek Trail in the Strawberry Mountain Wilderness..........August 18, 2011.
A close-up of the inflorescence of mountain brome at left. Note the flattened spikelets and erect and close-ly appressed panicle branches. As seen at a dry pass about one mile northeast of High Lake, Strawberry Mountain Wilderness.........July 17, 2013. The photo at right shows mountain brome as viewed along the South Prong Trail #821, Black Canyon Wilderness.......June 16, 2019.
What appears to be mountain brome as seen at Fields Spring State Park, Asotin County, Washington.........June 11, 2013.

Mountain brome ? as seen along the Umatilla Rim Trail #3080 on the northwestern shoulder of High Ridge, Umatilla National Forest........July 24, 2012.
Paul Slichter