[Wildflowers West of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington]

Lichens West of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington

An unidentified map lichen (Rhizocarpon sp.) observed at the King Mountain Rock Garden ACEC in northeastern Josephine County, OR........June 11, 2017.

An unidentified map lichen (Rhizocarpon sp.) observed at the King Mountain Rock Garden ACEC in northeastern Josephine County, OR........June 11, 2017.

This is a very brief listing of lichens to be found west of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington.


Foliose (leaf-like) Lichens:

Lettuce Lichen, Oregon Lungwort: Lobaria oregana

Lung Lichen, Lung Moss, Lungwort Lichen, Oak Lungs, Oak Lungwort, Tree Lungwort: Lobaria pulmonaria (Synonym: Sticta pulmonaria)

Common Dog Lichen: Peltigera membranacea


Fruticose (shrub-like) Lichens:

Seaside Bone Lichen, Tube Lichen: Hypogymnia heterophylla

Old Man's Beard, Methuselah's Beard Lichen: Dolichousnea longissima (Synonym: Usnea longissima)

Tuckermann's Coral Lichen, Tuckermann's Ball-bearing Lichen: Sphaerophorus tuckermanii


Crustose Lichens:


An unidentified Umbilicaria sp as observed at the King Mountain Rock Garden ACEC in northeastern Josephine County, OR........June 11, 2017. - An unidentified Umbilicaria sp as observed at the King Mountain Rock Garden ACEC in northeastern Josephine County, OR........June 11, 2017.

An unidentified Umbilicaria sp as observed at the King Mountain Rock Garden ACEC in northeastern Josephine County, OR........June 11, 2017.

Paul Slichter E-mail