Oregon Phacelia, Shade Phacelia, Woodland Phacelia
Phacelia nemoralis ssp. oregonensis
Synonym: Phacelia nemoralis var. oregonensis

Woodland phacelia prior to its bloom in forest at mid-elevation on Saddle Mountain in the Coast Range of northwestern Oregon........May 21, 2009.

The basal leaves of woodland phacelia as seen along the Springwater Trail between Portland, OR and Gresham, OR, near Powell Butte..........March 19, 2012.
Woodland phacelia as seen at left along the Springwater Trail near Powell Butte west of Gresham, OR........March 3, 2017. The image at right showsthe basal leaves of woodland phacelia growing atop the boulders separating the estuary from the homes along Fisher Avenue, Tokeland, WA.....September 19, 2024.
Paul Slichter