[Wildflowers with 5 Petals West of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington]

The Saxifrage Family West of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington


Strawberry Saxifrage: Saxifragopsis fragarioides (Synonym: Saxifraga fragarioides)

Strawberry Saxifrage: Saxifragopsis fragarioides

Bensoniella: Bensoniella oregana (Synonym: Bensonia oregana) -

Bolandra, Northern False Coolwort, Oregon Bolandra: Bolandra oregana (Synonyms: Bolandra oregana var. imnahaensis, Bolandra oregana var. oregana) - Basal leaves orbicular, incised, the divisions with several acute teeth. 2-4 similar stem leaves present. Inflorescence a loose panicle. Calyx tube yellow green, wide at the base but contracted towards the mouth. Petals dark purple, lanceolate with sharp points.

Boykinias: The Genus Boykinia -

Saxifrages: The Genera Cascadia, Micranthes and Saxifraga -

Golden Saxifrage, Pacific Golden-saxifrage, Pacific Watercarpet, Western Golden Carpet: Chrysosplenium glechomifolium (Synonyms: Chrysosplenium glechomaefolium, Chrysosplenium oppositifolium, Chrysosplenium oppositifolium var. scouleri, Chrysosplenium scouleri) -

Great Shieldleaf, Indian Rhubarb: Darmera peltata (Synonym: Peltiphyllum peltatum) -

Common Elmera, Fuzzy Elmera, Hairy Elmera, Yellow Coralbells: Elmera racemosa var. racemosa (Synonyms: Elmera racemosa, Elmera racemosa var. puberulenta, Heuchera racemosa) -

Alumroots: The Genus Heuchera -

Leatherleaf Saxifrage, Fireleaf Leptarrhena, Pearleaf: Leptarrhena pyrolifolia (Synonyms: Lepuropetalon amplexifolium, Saxifraga amplexifolia, Saxifraga calycina, Saxifraga calycina ssp. unalaschcensis, Saxifraga davurica, Saxifraga davurica var. unalaschcensis, Saxifraga pyrolifolia, Saxifraga unalaschcensis) -

Hill Stars, Prairiestars and Woodland Stars: The Genus Lithophragma -

Saxifrages: The Genera Cascadia, Micranthes and Saxifraga -

Bishop's Caps and Mitreworts: The Genus Mitella -

Grass-of-Parnassus: The Genus Parnassia - Oregon treats this genus as a separate family (Parnassiaceae).

Ditch Stonecrop: Penthorum sedoides -

Saxifrages: The Genera Cascadia, Micranthes and Saxifraga -

Strawberry Saxifrage: Saxifragopsis fragarioides (Synonym: Saxifraga fragarioides) -

Oregon Sullivantia, Sullivantia: Sullivantia oregana - Basal leaves long petiolate with wide, kidney-shaped blades, cleft up to 1/2 their length into 7-9 acute lobes. Flowering stems 5-20 cm high with 1-3 stem leaves. Inflorescence a panicle.

Fringecup, Bigflower Tellima, Fragrant Fringecup: Tellima grandiflora (Synonym: Tellima odorata) - Wildflower to two feet tall. Hairy, simple, palmate leaves with toothed edges are largely all at the base of the plant. Flowers are greenish and cup-shaped in appearance, with tattered white, pink or pastel blue petals at the tips.

Foamflowers: The Genus Tiarella -

Piggyback Plant or Youth-on-age: The Genus Tolmiea - Wildflower to 16 inches high. Hairy, simple, palmate leaves with toothed edges are largely all at the base of the plant. Flowers are a greenish and brown striped color, the fused petals being thinner than those of the fringecup, and thin snakey or curved brown petals arise from the tips of the flower.

Rusty Saxifrage: Saxifraga ferruginea var. vreelandii

Rusty Saxifrage: Saxifraga ferruginea var. vreelandii

Paul Slichter E-mail