Bensoniella: Bensoniella oregana (Synonym: Bensonia oregana) -
Bolandra, Northern False Coolwort, Oregon Bolandra: Bolandra oregana (Synonyms: Bolandra oregana var. imnahaensis, Bolandra oregana var. oregana) - Basal leaves orbicular, incised, the divisions with several acute teeth. 2-4 similar stem leaves present. Inflorescence a loose panicle. Calyx tube yellow green, wide at the base but contracted towards the mouth. Petals dark purple, lanceolate with sharp points.
Boykinias: The Genus Boykinia -
Saxifrages: The Genera Cascadia, Micranthes and Saxifraga -
Golden Saxifrage, Pacific Golden-saxifrage, Pacific Watercarpet, Western Golden Carpet: Chrysosplenium glechomifolium (Synonyms: Chrysosplenium glechomaefolium, Chrysosplenium oppositifolium, Chrysosplenium oppositifolium var. scouleri, Chrysosplenium scouleri) -
Great Shieldleaf, Indian Rhubarb: Darmera peltata (Synonym: Peltiphyllum peltatum) -
Common Elmera, Fuzzy Elmera, Hairy Elmera, Yellow Coralbells: Elmera racemosa var. racemosa (Synonyms: Elmera racemosa, Elmera racemosa var. puberulenta, Heuchera racemosa) -
Alumroots: The Genus Heuchera -
Leatherleaf Saxifrage, Fireleaf Leptarrhena, Pearleaf: Leptarrhena pyrolifolia (Synonyms: Lepuropetalon amplexifolium, Saxifraga amplexifolia, Saxifraga calycina, Saxifraga calycina ssp. unalaschcensis, Saxifraga davurica, Saxifraga davurica var. unalaschcensis, Saxifraga pyrolifolia, Saxifraga unalaschcensis) -
Hill Stars, Prairiestars and Woodland Stars: The Genus Lithophragma -
Saxifrages: The Genera Cascadia, Micranthes and Saxifraga -
Bishop's Caps and Mitreworts: The Genus Mitella -
Grass-of-Parnassus: The Genus Parnassia - Oregon treats this genus as a separate family (Parnassiaceae).
Ditch Stonecrop: Penthorum sedoides -
Saxifrages: The Genera Cascadia, Micranthes and Saxifraga -
Strawberry Saxifrage: Saxifragopsis fragarioides (Synonym: Saxifraga fragarioides) -
Oregon Sullivantia, Sullivantia: Sullivantia oregana - Basal leaves long petiolate with wide, kidney-shaped blades, cleft up to 1/2 their length into 7-9 acute lobes. Flowering stems 5-20 cm high with 1-3 stem leaves. Inflorescence a panicle.
Fringecup, Bigflower Tellima, Fragrant Fringecup: Tellima grandiflora (Synonym: Tellima odorata) - Wildflower to two feet tall. Hairy, simple, palmate leaves with toothed edges are largely all at the base of the plant. Flowers are greenish and cup-shaped in appearance, with tattered white, pink or pastel blue petals at the tips.
Foamflowers: The Genus Tiarella -
Piggyback Plant or Youth-on-age: The Genus Tolmiea - Wildflower to 16 inches high. Hairy, simple, palmate leaves with toothed edges are largely all at the base of the plant. Flowers are a greenish and brown striped color, the fused petals being thinner than those of the fringecup, and thin snakey or curved brown petals arise from the tips of the flower.