Oppositeleaf Lewisia, Opposite-leaved Lewisia
Lewisia oppositifolia
Oppositeleaf lewisia blooming near the Eight Dollar Mountain Interpretive Boardwalk, Josephine County, OR......April 21, 2021.
Oppositeleaf lewisia as seen at the Days Gulch Botanical Area to the southwest of Eight Dollar Mountain in southwestern Oregon........April 29, 2012. The basal leaves of oppositeleaf lewisia are an olive-green to green in color. The blue-green leaves in the photo at right are not from oppositieleaf lewisia.
The upper left photo shows oppositeleaf lewisia in bud at Star Flat on the northwest side of Eight Dollar Mt. in southwestern Oregon........April 5, 2009. The other 4 photos show the species blooming at the Days Gulch Botanical Area to the southwest of Eight Dollar Mountain in southwestern Oregon........April 29, 2012.
Oppositeleaf lewisia as seen at the Eight Dollar Mountain Botanical Wayside to the southwest of Selma, Oregon...........April 27, 2012.
Oppositeleaf lewisia as seen beginning to bloom at the Days Gulch Botanical Area to the southwest of Eight Dollar Mountain, Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest........April 06, 2022.
Paul Slichter