Heart-leaf springbeauty is an attractive perennial of moist places in the forest with a thick, horizontal rootstock from which arise clumps of one to several simple, unbranched stems from 10-30 cm high. There are several basal leaves which are cordate (heart-shaped), about 3-6 cm wide and almost as long with petioles 2-3 times longer than the blades. There are two opposite stem leaves which are broadly lanceolate to ovate and from 1-5 cm wide.
The inflorescence is a raceme arising from the axils of the stem leaves. The raceme is 4-12 flowered. On individual flowers, the 2 sepals are 2 mm long while the 5 white petals are from 8-13 mm long. There are 5 pink-tipped stamens.
Heart-leaf springbeauty is found on wet soils, especially along streams or the edges of ponds, in moist, shady woods.
Heart-leaf springbeauty may be found from southern British Columbia south along both sides of the Cascade Mts. to northern California and east to western Montana and northern Utah.