Henderson's Shooting Star, Broadleaf Shooting Star, Broad-leaved Shooting Star, Mosquito Bills
Dodecatheon hendersonii
Synonyms: Dodecatheon hendersonii ssp. hendersonii, Dodecatheon hendersonii var. hendersonii

A close-up of the flower of Henderson's shooting star as seen at Star Flats along the Illinois River Road in southwestern Oregon...........April 5, 2009. Note the expanded, rounded tip to the stigma.

A close-up of the broadly ovate basal leaves of Henderson's shooting star as seen at Star Flats along the Illinois River Road in southwestern Oregon.........April 5, 2009.
A close-up of Henderson's shooting star as seen at left in the Jacksonville Woodlands, Jacksonville, OR...........April 6, 2009. The photo at right shows Henderson's shooting star as seen in madrone woodlands at the Skycrest Trailhead at Cathedral Hills Park (BLM), Grants Pass, OR......April 6, 2022.
2 views of Henderson's shooting star as seen at Star Flats along the Illinois River Road in southwestern Oregon..........April 5, 2009.
Additional close-up images of Henderson's shooting star as seen at Rough and Ready Botanical Wayside in southwestern Oregon...........April 29, 2012.
Henderson's shooting star as seen at Rough and Ready Botanical Wayside in southwestern Oregon...........April 6, 2022.
Henderson's shooting star as seen around the parking area for the King Mountain Rock Garden ACEC in northeastern Jospehine County, OR.......June 11, 2017.
Paul Slichter