Parry's Catchfly, Parry's Silene
Silene parryi
Synonyms: Silene douglasii var. macounii, Silene macounii

Parry's silene as seen along the Hurricane Hill Trail in Olympic National Park......July 25, 2008. Note the numerous gland-tipped hairs on the stems and inflated calyces.
Parry's campion seen at left growing on gravel slopes at the base of the Mazama Glacier moraine on Mt. Adams, Tract D Yakima Reservation......July 19, 2009.
The photo at right shows a close-up of the glandular inflorescene of Parry's campion growing on gravel slopes near the base of the Mazama Glacier moraine on Mt. Adams, Bird Creek Meadows...........August 29, 2022.
Close-ups of the cleft corolla lobes and glandular calyx tube of Parry's campion as seen at the base of the Mazama Glacier moraine on Mt. Adams, Tract D Yakima Reservation.......July 19, 2009.
Paul Slichter