Miniature Gilia, Smooth-leaved Gilia
Navarretia capillaris
Synonym: Gilia capillaris

Miniature gilia as seen in vernally moist swales amongst mountain big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata ssp. vaseyana) along the South Loop Road about one and a half miles uphill to the east of the top of the Rooster Comb, South Loop Road, Steens Mountain Recreation Area..........July 9, 2014.
Miniature gilia observed along the Pacific Crest Trail near Mount Ashland, Jackson County, OR, Klamath National Forest......July 22, 2021.
Close-ups as well as habitat views of miniature gilia as seen in vernally moist swales amongst mountain big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata ssp. vaseyana) along the South Loop Road about one and a half miles uphill to the east of the top of the Rooster Comb, South Loop Road, Steens Mountain Recreation Area..........July 9, 2014. In the habitat views, one can also see Kellogg's knotweed (Polygonum polygalioides ssp. kelloggii), Brewer's monkeyflower (Mimulus breweri), and little hesperochiron (Hesperochiron pumilis).
Miniature gilia as seen (left) along Forest Service Road #38-200 near Spanish Peak, Ochoco National Forest..........June 14, 2015. The photo at right shows miniature gilia near the ski shelter atop Lookout Mountain, Ochoco National Forest.........June 15, 2015.
Miniature gilia as seen along the Lookout Mountain Trail #804 (several hundred yards below the ski shelter) atop Lookout Mountain, Ochoco National Forest..........June 25, 2017.
Miniature gilia as seen at left with Leptosiphon harknessii along the Line Butte Trail #807 on the southern slopes of Lookout Mountain, Ochoco National Forest.........June 22, 2017. The photo at right shows miniature gilia as seen in vernally moist swales along the Deadman Canyon Trail #1869 about one-half mile north of the trailhead at Fish Lake Campground, Wallowa-Whitman National Forest......July 18, 2019..
Paul Slichter