Harkness's Desert-trumpets, Harkness' Linanthus, Harkness' Flaxflower, Three-seed Desert-trumpets
Leptosiphon harknessii
Synonyms: Linanthus harknessii, Linanthus harknessii ssp. condensatus, Linanthus harknessii ssp. harknessii

The photo above shows what appears to be Harkness'
flaxflower in shallow, rocky soils at a bald at about 4100' on the southeastern flanks of Mt.
Adams. ........July 11, 2005.

The photo above shows a close-up of a whorl of stem leaves of
Harkness' flaxflower as seen along Road K6000 on the southeastern slopes of Mt. Adams..........June
17, 2006.
Paul Slichter