Babystars, Bicolored Babystars, Bicolored Linanthus, True Babystars
Leptosiphon bicolor
Synonyms: Leptosiphon minimus, Linanthus bicolor, Linanthus bicolor ssp. bicolor, Linanthus bicolor ssp. minimus, Linanthus bicolor var. bicolor, Linantus bicolor var. minimus
A close-up of the spreading corolla lobes of babystars as seen at left in the Jacksonville Woodlands in Jacksonville, OR.........April 6, 2009. The photo at right shows babystars blooming above the Illinois River along the Jeffrey Pine Loop Trail (BLM), Josephine County, OR......April 21, 2021.
A close-up of the long corolla tube and whorl of stem leaves of babystars as seen in the Jacksonville Woodlands in Jacksonville, OR.........April 6, 2009. Note the spreading, gland-tipped hairs on the stem as well as the spreading hairs on the stem leaves.
Babystars as photographed atop Upper Table Rock to the northwest of Medford, OR........April 28, 2012.
Paul Slichter