Bird Vetch, Cat Peas, Tinegrass, Tufted Vetch
Vicia cracca
Synonyms: Vicia cracca ssp. cracca, Vicia cracca ssp. grossheimii, Vicia cracca ssp. tenuifolia, Vicia cracca var. angustissima, Vicia cracca var. tenuifolia, Vicia semicinta, Vicia tenuifolia
A close-up of the one-sided inflorescence of bird vetch as seen along the Springwater Trail between Gresham, OR and Boring, OR.........July 8, 2011. Note the glabrous, short ca1yx teeth.
A close-up of the pinnately compound leaf of bird vetch as seen along the Springwater Trail between Gresham, OR and Boring, OR........July 8, 2011.
Paul Slichter