Nineleaf Biscuitroot, Nineleaf Desert Parsley
Lomatium triternatum
Synonyms: Lomatium simplex var. leptophyllum, Lomatium triternatum ssp. triternatum, Lomatium triternatum var. triternatum
Note: At some point, all or most of the Lomatium triternatum found in the western half of Oregon may become known as Lomatium brevifolium (based upon genetic work). Until that time perhaps comes, they will remain L. triternatum here.

A close-up view of nineleaf desert parsley as seen on the lower southern slopes of Eight Dollar Mountain above the Illinois River, Siskiyou region of southwestern Oregon.........April 5, 2009.
Nineleaf desert parsley as seen at the trailhead for the King Mountain Rock Garden ACEC in northeastern Josephine County, OR........June 11, 2017. The leaflets are broad enough on the plant at right to suggest this might be variety anomalum.

Nineleaf desert parsley blooming along Rough and Ready Creek at the Rough and Ready Botanical Wayside south of O'Brien, OR.....April 22, 2021.
Paul Slichter