Agate Desert Parsley, Cook's Lomatium
Lomatium cookii

This photo shows a close-up of the inflorescence of Cook's desert parsley as seen in vernally moist prairie near Medford, OR..........April 4, 2009.

A close-up of the narrow bracts subtending each involucel within the inflorescence of Cook's lomatium. The similar Lomatium utriculatum has wider, elliptical-shaped bracts as well as at least one large leaf on the stem (with infladed base.).

Another close-up of the narrow bracts subtending each involucel within the inflorescence of Cook's lomatium.
These 4 photos show close-ups of Cook's lomation as seen in vernally moist prairie near Medford, OR..........April 4, 2009.

Cook's lomatium spotted on moist slopes near Cave Junction, Oregon......April 5, 2022.

Cook's lomatium as seen with rusty popcornflower (Plagiobothrys nothofulvus) in a vernally moist swale near Medford, Oregon...........April 28, 2012.
Paul Slichter