[Wildflowers with 5 Petals West of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington]

The Oxalis Family West of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington


Flower of Oregon Wood Sorrel, Redwood Sorrel, Redwood-sorrel, Sour Grass: Oxalis oregana (Synonyms: Oxalis oregana var. oregana, Oxalis oregana var. smallii)

Oregon wood sorrel: Oxalis oregana

Creeping Yellow Wood Sorrel, Creeping Yellow Wood-sorrel, Creeping Wood-sorrel: Oxalis corniculata (Synonym: Oxalis violacea) -

Graygreen Sorrel, Southern Yellow Wood Sorrel: Oxalis dillenii -

Oregon Wood Sorrel, Redwood Sorrel, Redwood-sorrel, Sour Grass: Oxalis oregana (Synonyms: Oxalis oregana var. oregana, Oxalis oregana var. smallii) - Herbaceous ground cover. The flowers with 5 petals are generally white or white with red candy stripes. the leaves are a key diagnostic characteristic, being 3 heart-shaped leaflets with the apex of each leaflet pointed in towards the stem.

Yellow Wood-sorrel, Common Yellow Oxalis: Oxalis stricta -

Western Yellow Oxalis, Western Yellow Wood-sorrel, Suksdorf's Oxalis, Suksdorf's Wood-sorrel: Oxalis suksdorfii -

Great Oxalis, Trillium-leaved Oxalis: Oxalis trilliifolia -

Paul Slichter E-mail