Rigid Betony, Rigid Hedgenettle, Rigid Hege-nettle, Rough Hedge-nettle
Stachys rigida
Synonyms: Stachys ajugoides, Stachys ajugoides var. ajugoides, Stachys ajugoides var. rigida, Stachys ciliata, Stachys rigida ssp. quercetorum, Stachys rigida ssp. rigida, Stachys rigida ssp. rivularis, Stachys rigida var. quercetorum, Stachys rigida var. rigida
A close-up of the inflorescence of rigid betony as seen at Kingston Prairie Nature Preserve to the southeast of Salem, OR..........June 2006. Note the pattern of pink stripes on the inner surface of the corolla lobes.
Rigid betony observed
blooming in a moist meadow (along a stream) crossing Road 20 on the south-facing slope of Dutchman Peak, Siskiyou Crest, Jackson County, OR......July 16, 2020.
Two additional close-ups of rigid betony as seen left and at center at Kingston Prairie Nature Preserve to the southeast of Salem, OR.......June 2006. The photo at right shows rigid betony in bloom along a creek along forest road 40S15 where the Pacific Crest Trail #2000 crosses it, Mount Ashland, Klamath National Forest.......July 22, 2021.
Paul Slichter