Meadow Checkerbloom, Meadow Checker-mallow, Meadow Sidalcea
Sidalcea campestris
Synonyms: Sidalcea asplenifolia, Sidalcea sylvestris
Meadow checkerbloom blooming along the Springwater Trail at Palmblad Road east of Gresham, OR.......May 22, 2023.
A cat's eye view of a field of meadow checkerbloom as seen at left along the Springwater Trail from one to two miles east of Gresham, OR........July 8, 2011. Unfortunately, this meadow was developed as neighborhood of homes in 2022-2024. Meadow checkerbloom blooming along the Springwater Trail at SE Palmblad Road east of Gresham, OR.......June 9, 2024.
Close-ups of the flowers of meadow checkerbloom as seen along the Springwater Trail from one to two miles east of Gresham, OR.........July 8, 2011.
Basal and lower stem leaves of meadow checkerbloom as seen along the Springwater Trail from one to two miles east of Gresham, OR........April 18, 2011 and September 6, 2010 respectively.
Paul Slichter