Blue Elder, Blue Elderberry, Southwestern Elderberry
Sambucus mexicana ssp. cerulea
Synonyms: Sambucus caerulea, Sambucus caerulea var. caerulea, Sambucus caerulea var. neomexicana, Sambucus cerulea, Sambucus cerulea var. cerulea, Sambucus cerulea var. neomexicana, Sambucus glauca, Sambucus mexicana, Sambucus mexicana ssp. caerulea, Sambucus mexicana var. caerulea, Sambucus neomexicana, Sambucus neomexicana var. vestita, Sambucus nigra ssp. caerulea
Blue elderberry as seen along the Springwater Trail between Palmblad and Rugg Roads to the east of Gresham, Oregon........July 8, 2011. Both red and black elderberries are also found along the Springwater Trail near this location, but both bloom several months earlier.
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Close-ups of the inflorescence and pinnately compound stem leaves of
blue elderberry as seen along the Springwater Trail between Palmblad and Rugg Roads to the east of Gresham, Oregon......July 8, 2011. The leaves are opposite one another along the stems.
Berries of the blue elderberry
Paul Slichter