Bog Blueberry, Bog Bilberry
Vaccinium uliginosum
Synonyms: Vaccinium uliginosum ssp. alpinum, Vaccinium uliginosum ssp. gaultherioides, Vaccinium uliginosum ssp. microphyllum, Vaccinium uliginosum ssp. occidentale, Vaccinium uliginosum ssp. pedris, Vaccinium uliginosum ssp. pubescens, Vaccinium uliginosum var. alpinum, Vaccinium uliginosum var. salicinum

The photo above shows the flowers and underside of the leaves of bog blueberry as seen along the east shoreline of Upper Bigelow Lake, Siskiyou National Forest........July 14, 2012. This site is several miles east of Oregon Caves National Monument.
Close-up images of the flowers and underside of the leaves of bog blueberry as seen along the east shoreline of Upper Bigelow Lake, Siskiyou National Forest........July 14, 2012. This site is several miles east of Oregon Caves National Monument.
The photo above is a close-up of the bloom-covered
berry and glaucous leaves of bog blueberry as seen in Swampy Meadows on the
southwestern flanks of Mt. Adams.........August 6, 2005.
Paul Slichter