Thin-leaved Huckleberry, Big Huckleberry, Tall Huckleberry, Square-twig Blueberry
Vaccinium membranaceum
Synonyms: Vaccinium coccinium, Vaccinium globulare, Vaccinium membranaceum var. rigidum

Thinleaf huckleberry blooming atop Mount Hebo, Siuslaw National Forest......June 2, 2021.

The photo above shows a close-up of the upper
stem leaves of thinleaf huckleberry as seen along Bird Creek at Bird Creek Campground
(WA DNR) on the lower, southeastern slopes of Mt. Adams..........May
7, 2005. Note the leaf margins which are serrate much of their length.
Two close-up images of the flower of thinleaf huckleberry
as seen along Road 2329 at East Fork Adams Creek.......June 21,

Early blooming thinleaf huckleberry ? as seen along Bird Creek
at Bird Creek Campground (WA DNR) on the lower, southeastern slopes of Mt. Adams........May
7, 2005.

The photo above shows thinleaf huckleberry as seen along Road
2329 at East Fork Adams Creek........June 21, 2005.

The photo above and below represent thinleaf huckleberry as seen
on Crofton Butte on the southern slopes of Mt. Adams.......May 28,

Paul Slichter