False Azalea, Fool's Huckleberry, Fool's-huckleberry, Rusty Menziesia
Rhododendron menziesii
Synonyms: Menziesia ferruginea, Menziesia ferruginea ssp. ferruginea, lMenziesia ferruginea ssp. glabella, Menziesia ferruginea var. ferruginea, Menziesia ferruginea var. glabella, Menziesia glabella

This photo shows fool's huckleberry as seen on Silver Star Mt. in the southwestern Gifford Pinchot N.F........July 9, 2008.
Fool's huckleberry blooming along the Boundary Trail #1 between the Johnston Ridge Observatory and Harry's Ridge, Mount Saint Helens National Volcanic Monument..........July 2, 2014.

Fool's huckleberry still blooming about one-third of a mile uphill from Soda Peaks Lake along the Soda Peaks Lake Trail #133, Trapper Creek Wilderness.......July 7, 2018.
Paul Slichter