Kinnikinnick, Bearberry, Red Bearberry
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
Synonyms: Arbutus uva-ursi, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi var. coactilis, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi var. uva-ursi

Berries of kinnikinnick as seen in forested dunes on the Tillamook Bay side of Bay Ocean Spit on the Oregon coast........January 21, 2012.
Kinnikinnick in bloom on the Tillamook Bay side of Bay Ocean Spit on the Oregon coast.......May 22, 2009.
Berries of kinnikinnick as seen at left at the upper edge of the riprap to the south jetty at the north end of Bay Ocean Spit on the Oregon coast........February 8, 2016. The photo at right shows kinnikinnick in bloom along the service road to the beach at Sitka Sedge State Natural Area, Oregon Coast......April 20, 2019.
Kinnickinnick fruits ripening along trails at Sitka Sedge State Natural Area......August 23, 2023.

Kinnikinnick with ripe fruits observed on the south jetty at the entrance to Tillamook Bay, Oregon coast......July 6, 2020.
Paul Slichter