Madrono, Pacific Madrone, Pacific Madrono
Arbutus menziesii
A Pacific madrone seen at left in the Jacksonville Woodlands in Jacksonville, OR........April 6, 2009. The photo at right shows a Pacific madronebeginning to bloom along the TJ Howell Botanical Drive several miles uphill to the west of the Days Gulch Botanical Area, Josephine County, OR......April 21, 2021.
Pacific madrones blooming along the trail to the summit of Upper Table Rock to the northwest of Medford, Oregon.........April 28, 2012.
A very large Pacific madrone seen (left) in the Jacksonville Woodlands in Jacksonville, OR........April 6, 2009. The photo at right shows the colorful trunk of a Pacific madrone as seen between Nickle and Table Mountains on the ridgeline north of Cow Creek, several miles west of Riddle, OR........June 10.
Paul Slichter