[The Geranium Family West of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington]

Cranesbills and Geraniums West of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington

The Genus Geranium

Crane's-bill: Geranium lucidum

The very weedy shining Crane's-bill: Geranium lucidum

Bicknell's Geranium: Geranium bicknellii -

Carolina Geranium: Geranium carolinianum (Synonyms: Geranium carolinianum var. carolinianum, Geranium carolinianum var. confertiflorum, Geranium carolinianum var. sphaerospermum, Geranium sphaerospermum) -

Long-stalked Geranium, Long-stalk Crane's-bill: Geranium columbinum -

Cutleaf Geranium, Cut-leaf Crane's-bill, Cut-leaf Geranium: Geranium dissectum -

Shining Crane's-bill: Geranium lucidum -

Dovefoot Geranium, Dove's Foot Geranium: Geranium molle - Small wildflower to 8 inches. Flowers small, pink, with notches at the tip of each petal. Leaves simple-palmate. Pistil develops into a shorter, thicker, needle-like seed pod.

Western Geranium, Oregon Geranium: Geranium oreganum (Synonym: Geranium incisum) -

Small-flowered Cranesbill, Small-flower Crane's-bill, Small Geranium: Geranium pusillum -

New Zealand Geranium: Geranium retrorsum -

White Geranium, White Crane's-bill, Richardson's Geranium: Geranium richardsonii -

Herb Robert, Herb-Robert, Robert Geranium, Stinky Bob: Geranium robertianum - Invasive herb to one foot tall. Leaves compound palmate, light green, somewhat parsley-like but smaller. Leaves and stems lightly hairy. Flowers pink, five petalled.

Paul Slichter E-mail