The Genus Erodium
Prostrate Storksbill: Erodium botrys -
Shortfruit Storksbill, Glandular Storksbill: Erodium brachycarpum -
Filaree, African Filaree, Common Stork's Bill, Redstem Stork's Bill, Red-stemmed Filaree: Erodium cicutarium (Synonym: Erodium ethiopicum) - Leaves compund and twice pinnate (branching twice). Leaves often purplish tinged. Flowers rose to purplish. Petals thinnly elliptical with no notch at tips. Pistil develops into a long, thin, needle-like seed pod (often called a stork's bill or crane's bill).
Musk Filaree, Musky Stork's Bill: Erodium moschatum -