[Kittentails and Speedwells: The Genus Veronica West of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington]

Alpine Speedwell, Hairy Speedwell

Veronica wormskjoldii

Synonyms: Veronica alpina, Veronica wormskjoldii ssp. alterniflora, Veronica wormskjoldii var. wormskjoldii

Flowers of Alpine Speedwell, American Alpine Speedwell, Hairy Speedwell: Veronica wormskjoldii (Synonyms: Veronica alpina, Veronica wormskjoldii ssp. alterniflora, Veronica wormskjoldii var. wormskjoldii)

Alpine speedwell as seen in moist meadows at the head of Badger Valley, Olympic National Park.......July 25, 2014.

Inflorescence of Alpine Speedwell, American Alpine Speedwell, Hairy Speedwell: Veronica wormskjoldii (Synonyms: Veronica alpina, Veronica wormskjoldii ssp. alterniflora, Veronica wormskjoldii var. wormskjoldii)

Alpine speedwell as seen in moist meadows at the head of Badger Valley, Olympic National Park.......July 25, 2014.

Paul Slichter