Small-flowered Penstemon, Tolmie's Penstemon
Penstemon procerus var. tolmiei
Tolmie's penstemon as seen near 6200' along the climber's trail to Mazama Glacier on the southeastern slopes of Mt. Adams........July 19, 2009.
Two additional close-up views of the inflorescence of Tolmie's penstemon as seen near 6200' along the climber's trail to Mazama Glacier on the southeastern slopes of Mt. Adams.........July 19, 2009.
The photo above shows small-flowered penstemon
as seen at about 7950' amongst rocks in the Devils Garden on the northeastern
slopes of Mt. Adams........July 24, 2005.
The photo above shows a close-up -view of the inflorescence of
small-flowered penstemon as seen along the Highline Trail #114 at about 7650'
in the Devils Garden.........July 24, 2005.
The photo above shows a close-up -view of one pair of stem-leaves
of small-flowered penstemon as seen along the Highline Trail #114 at about 7650'
in the Devils Garden.........July 24, 2005.
Tolmie's penstemon as seen in gravelly soils at the base of Little Mount Adams, Tract D Yakama Nation lands, southeastern corner of Mt. Adams.........August 13, 2012.
The photo above shows a view of the general form of small-flowered
penstemon as seen along the Highline Trail #114 at about 7650' in the Devils
Garden.........July 24, 2005. Plants range from 10-15 cm high.
The photo above shows another close-up -view of the inflorescence
of small-flowered penstemon as seen along the Highline Trail #114 at about 7650'
in the Devils Garden........July 24, 2005.
Paul Slichter