[Beardtongues and Penstemons: The Genus Penstemon West of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington]

Small-flowered Penstemon, Tolmie's Penstemon

Penstemon procerus var. tolmiei

Small-flowered Penstemon, Tolmie's  Penstemon: Penstemon procerus var. tolmiei (Synonym: Penstemon tolmiei)

Tolmie's penstemon as seen near 6200' along the climber's trail to Mazama Glacier on the southeastern slopes of Mt. Adams........July 19, 2009.

Inflorescence of Small-flowered Penstemon, Tolmie's  Penstemon: Penstemon procerus var. tolmiei (Synonym: Penstemon tolmiei) - Flower of Small-flowered Penstemon, Tolmie's  Penstemon: Penstemon procerus var. tolmiei (Synonym: Penstemon tolmiei)

Two additional close-up views of the inflorescence of Tolmie's penstemon as seen near 6200' along the climber's trail to Mazama Glacier on the southeastern slopes of Mt. Adams.........July 19, 2009.

Small-flowered Penstemon, Tolmie's  Penstemon: Penstemon procerus var. tolmiei (Synonym: Penstemon tolmiei)

The photo above shows small-flowered penstemon as seen at about 7950' amongst rocks in the Devils Garden on the northeastern slopes of Mt. Adams........July 24, 2005.

Inflorescence of Small-flowered Penstemon, Tolmie's  Penstemon: Penstemon procerus var. tolmiei (Synonym: Penstemon tolmiei)

The photo above shows a close-up -view of the inflorescence of small-flowered penstemon as seen along the Highline Trail #114 at about 7650' in the Devils Garden.........July 24, 2005.

Stem leaves of Small-flowered Penstemon, Tolmie's  Penstemon: Penstemon procerus var. tolmiei (Synonym: Penstemon tolmiei)

The photo above shows a close-up -view of one pair of stem-leaves of small-flowered penstemon as seen along the Highline Trail #114 at about 7650' in the Devils Garden.........July 24, 2005.

Small-flowered Penstemon, Tolmie's  Penstemon: Penstemon procerus var. tolmiei (Synonym: Penstemon tolmiei) - Small-flowered Penstemon, Tolmie's  Penstemon: Penstemon procerus var. tolmiei (Synonym: Penstemon tolmiei)

Tolmie's penstemon as seen in gravelly soils at the base of Little Mount Adams, Tract D Yakama Nation lands, southeastern corner of Mt. Adams.........August 13, 2012.

Small-flowered Penstemon, Tolmie's  Penstemon: Penstemon procerus var. tolmiei (Synonym: Penstemon tolmiei)

The photo above shows a view of the general form of small-flowered penstemon as seen along the Highline Trail #114 at about 7650' in the Devils Garden.........July 24, 2005. Plants range from 10-15 cm high.

Inflorescence of Small-flowered Penstemon, Tolmie's  Penstemon: Penstemon procerus var. tolmiei (Synonym: Penstemon tolmiei)

The photo above shows another close-up -view of the inflorescence of small-flowered penstemon as seen along the Highline Trail #114 at about 7650' in the Devils Garden........July 24, 2005.

Paul Slichter