Elephant's Head Lousewort, Elephanthead Lousewort, Elephant's Head, Bull Elephant's-head, Elephant's Head Pedicularis
Synonyms: Elephantella groenlandica, Pedicularis groenlandica ssp. surrecta, Pedicularis groenlandica var. surrecta, Pedicularis surrecta
Elephant's head lousewort with numerous sedges in the foreground and white bog candles (Platanthera dilatata) and western hedysarum (Hedysarum occidentale) in the background. Photographed in seeps at the head of Badger Valley, Olympic National Park........July 25, 2014.
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Elephant's head lousewort with numerous sedges in the foreground and white bog candles (Platanthera dilatata) and western hedysarum (Hedysarum occidentale) in the background. Photographed in seeps at the head of Badger Valley, Olympic National Park........July 25, 2014.
Paul Slichter