[Monkeyflowers: The Genera Diplacus, Erythranthe and Mimulus West of the Cascade Mts. of Oregon and Washington]
Primrose Monkeyflower, Primrose Monkey-flower, Primrose Monkey Flower
Erythranthe primuloides
Synonyms: Mimulus pilosellus, Mimulus primuloides, Mimulus primuloides ssp. pilosellus, Mimulus primuloides var. minimus, Mimulus primuloides var. pilosellus, Mimulus primuloides var. primuloides

This photo shows a close-up of the flower of primrose monkeyflower as seen along the Timberline Trail in meadows about one-half mile northwest of Lambertson Butte in the Mt. Hood Wilderness.......August 2, 2007. Note the notches in each lobe.

This photo shows a close-up of the flower of primrose monkeyflower as seen along the Timberline Trail in meadows about one-half mile northwest of Lambertson Butte in the Mt. Hood Wilderness........August 2, 2007. Note the small size of the calyx lobes. The teeth of these lobes are all about the same size.
Paul Slichter