Olympic Larkspur, Olympic Mountain Larkspur, Rockslide Larkspur
Delphinium glareosum
Synonyms: Delphinium basalticum, Delphinium caprorum, Delphinium glareosum ssp. caprorum, Delphinium glareosum ssp. glareosum, Delphinium glareosum var. caprorum

Cliff larkspur beginning to bloom in talus along the trail to Heather Park on the north side of Klahhane Ridge in Olympic National Park........July 26, 2008.

Cliff larkspur beginning to bloom in talus along the trail to Heather Park on the north side of Klahhane Ridge in Olympic National Park The leaves of this species are fairly thick and fleshy.

Cliff larkspur within days of blooming in talusalong the trail to Heather Park on the north side of Klahhane Ridge in Olympic National Park........July 26, 2008. This species often blooms within days of the snow melting.

Cliff larkspur in talus and gravel on road cuts along the Hurricane Ridge Road (about one-half mile east of the Hurricane Ridge Visitor Center) in Olympic National Park........July 25, 2008.

Cliff larkspur beginning to bloom in talus along the trail to Heather Park on the north side of Klahhane Ridge in Olympic National Park........July 27, 2014.
Paul Slichter