[The Buttercup Family West of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington]

Columbines West of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington

The Genus Aquilegia

Yellow Columbine: Aquilegia flavescens (Synonyms: Aquilegia flavescens var. flavescens, Aquilegia flavescens var. miniata, Aquilegia formosa var. flavescens) - Yellow Columbine: Aquilegia flavescens (Synonyms: Aquilegia flavescens var. flavescens, Aquilegia flavescens var. miniata, Aquilegia formosa var. flavescens)

Yellow columbine blooming along the McCully Creek Trail #1812, Eagle Cap Wilderness........July 19, 2019.

Yellow Columbine: Aquilegia flavescens (Synonyms: Aquilegia flavescens var. flavescens, Aquilegia flavescens var. miniata, Aquilegia formosa var. flavescens) - Rare west of the Cascdes. Flowers yellowish, occasionally with pinkish sepals. Leaves compound ternate, non-hairy. Flowers with five yellow spurs which are hooked.

Red Columbine, Sitka Columbine, Western Columbine: Aquillegia formosa (Synonyms: Aquilegia canadensis var. formosa, Aquilegia columbiana, Aquilegia formosa var. communis, Aquilegia formosa var. formosa, Aquilegia formosa var. megalantha, Aquilegia formosa var. truncata, Aquilegia formosa var. wawawensis) - Distinctive flowers with 5 scarlet sepals, 5 yellow petals in the center of the flower, and 5 long spurs on the reverse side next to the stem. Flowers look like red and yellow stars that hang down. Leaves are compound and lacy looking. Plants are to 3 feet tall.

European Columbine: Aquilegia vulgaris -

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