Buckbrush, Common Buckbrush, Narrow-leaf Buckthorn, Sedge-leaf Buckthorn
Ceanothus cuneatus var. cuneatus

A close-up view of the inflorescence of buckbrush as seen in the Jacksonville Woodlands in Jacksonville, OR.......April 6, 2009.
Buckbrush observed in bloom at the trailhead for the Jeffrey Pine Loop Trail on the southside of Eight Dollar Mountain (BLM), Josephine County, OR.....April 21, 2021.

A close-up view of the flower buds and paired, oval-shaped stem leaves of buckbrush as seen near the summit of Upper Table Rock to the north of Medford, OR.......April 4, 2009.

An additional view of the inflorescence and oval-shaped stem leaves of buckbrush as seen in the Jacksonville Woodlands in Jacksonville, OR........April 6, 2009. Note how thick the leaves are and the covering of whitish hairs on both leaf surfaces.

Buckbrush blooming along the trail up Upper Table Rock to the north of Medford, Oregon...........April 28, 2012.

Buckbrush blooming at the Eight Dollar Mountain Botanical Wayside to the southwest of Selma, Oregon..........April 27, 2012.
Paul Slichter