Siskiyou Pennycress
Noccaea fendleri ssp. siskiyouensis
Synonym: Thlaspi montanum var. siskiyouense
A close-up of the inflorescence of Siskiyou pennycress as seen at Star Flat near Eight Dollar Mt. in southwestern Oregon.........April 5, 2009. Note that there are 6 or fewer stem leaves, a characteristic of this
Siskiyou pennycress as seen at a serpentine talus slope along the TJ Howell Botanical Drive (FS Rd 4201) several miles uphill to the west of the Days Gulch Botanica Area, Josephine County, OR.........April 21, 2021 (left) and April 6, 2022 (right).
Siskiyou pennycress as seen at the Rough and Ready Botanical Wayside along US Highway 99 to the southwest of Cave Junction, Oregon..........April 29, 2012.
Siskiyou pennycress observed along the service road down to Star Flat from the Illinois River Road, Josephine County, OR......April 22, 2021.
Paul Slichter