[The Mustard Family West of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington]

Jewel Flowers West of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington

The Genus Streptanthus

Mountain Jewel Flower, Contorted Streptanthus, Shieldplant: Streptanthus tortuosus (Synonyms: Streptanthus tortuosus var. orbiculatus , Streptanthus tortuosus var. tortuosus)

Mountain Jewel Flower: Streptanthus tortuosus

Josephine Jewelflower, Josephine Jewel Flower, One-sided Jewel Flower: Streptanthus glandulosus ssp. josephinensis (Synonyms: Streptanthus glandulosus ssp. glandulosus, Streptanthus glandulosus ssp. secundus) -

Howell's Jewelflower, Howell's Jewel Flower, Howell's Streptanthus: Streptanthus howellii -

Contorted Streptanthus, Mounted Jewelflower, Mountain Jewel Flower, Shieldplant: Streptanthus tortuosus (Synonyms: Streptanthus tortuosus var. orbiculatus , Streptanthus tortuosus var. tortuosus) -

Paul Slichter E-mail