[Wallflowers: The Genus Erysimum West of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington]

Cascade Wallflower, Sand-dwelling Wallflower

Erysimum arenicola

Synonyms: Erysimum arenicola var. torulosum, Erysimum perenne var. tephrinum

Cascade Wallflower, Sand-dwelling Wallflower: Erysimum arenicola (Synonyms: Erysimum arenicola var. torulosum, Erysimum perenne var. tephrinum)

What may be cascade wallflower as seen on south-facing slopes high on Klahhane Ridge, Olympic National Park........July 27, 2014. The yellow petals and greenish foliage suggest this may be Erysimum arenicola, but the flattened fruits are more diagnostic.

Paul Slichter