[Rockcresses: The Genera Arabis, Boechera and Turritis West of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington]

Spreading Rockcress, Spreadingpod Rockcress, Spreading-pod Rockcress, Spreading Pod Rockcress

Boechera divaricarpa

Synonyms: Arabis divaricarpa, Arabis xdivaricarpa, Arabis xdivaricarpa var. divaricarpa

Spreading Rockcress, Spreadingpod Rockcress, Spreading-pod Rockcress, Spreading Pod Rockcress: Boechera divaricarpa (Synonyms: Arabis divaricarpa, var. divaricarpa, Arabis x divaricarpa, Arabis xdivaricarpa var. divaricarpa)

What appears to be spreadingpod rockcress as seen along the Wildhorse Lake trail, approximately one-quarter mile below the trailhead registry box, Steens Mountain Recreation Area...........July 10, 2014.

Paul Slichter