Spreading Groundsmoke
Gayophytum diffusum ssp. diffusum
Synonyms: Gayophytum diffusum var. diffusum, Gayophytum diffusum var. villosum, Gayophytum eriospermum, Gayophytum nuttallii

The photo above shows spreading groundsmoke
as seen along the Crofton Ridge Trail #73.......July 16, 2006. Note
the relatively large petals (for groundsmokes) and the sepals reflexed sharply

The photo above shows a close-up of the flower
of spreading groundsmoke as seen on the Yakama Nation on the route to Bird Creek
Meadows...........August 4, 2001. The petals are over 2 mm long.

The photo above shows spreading groundsmoke as seen along the
Crofton Ridge Trail #73.........July 16, 2006. Note the long leaves
lower on the stem. Plants stems are simple but can become quite branched with
Paul Slichter