[Willowherbs and Spike Primroses:: The Genus Epilobium West of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington]
Autumn Willowherb, Tall Annual Willowherb
Epilobium brachycarpum
Synonyms: Epilobium jucundum, Epilobium paniculatum, Epilobium paniculatum var. hammondii, Epilobium paniculatum var. jucundum, Epilobium paniculatum var. laevicaule, Epilobium paniculatum var. paniculatum, Epilobium paniculatum var. subulatum, Epilobium paniculatum var. tracyi
Close-up images of the flowers of tall annual
willow-herb as seen between the Grayback Mountain Road and Sheep Canyon, Klickitat Wildlife Area.........September 5, 2019. Note that each petal
is deeply cleft down the middle.
Close-up images of the flowers of tall annual willow-herb
as seen along Rd #23 at the Mt. Adams viewpoint at the southwestern corner of
Mt. Adams.......June 22, 2005.

The photo above shows tall annual willow-herb as seen along Rd
#23 at the Mt. Adams viewpoint at the southwestern corner of Mt. Adams.......June
22, 2005. Notice how glabrous the stems and pods are.
The 2 photos above show close-ups of the stem leaves of tall annual willow-herb as seen in grasslands in the Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge along Lakeside Road about one-half mile west of Fisher Hill Road.........August 10, 2007.
Paul Slichter