[The Bedstraw Family West of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington]

Fragrant Bedstraw, Sweetscented Bedstraw, Three-flowered Bedstraw

Galium triflorum

Synonyms: Galium brachiatum, Galium pennsylvanicum, Galium triflorum var. asprelliforme, Galium triflorum var. viridiflorum

Flowers and bristly fruits of Fragrant Bedstraw, Sweetscented Bedstraw, Three-flowered Bedstraw: Galium triflorum (Synonyms: Galium brachiatum, Galium pennsylvanicum, Galium triflorum var. asprelliforme, Galium triflorum var. viridiflorum)

Whorled leaves of Fragrant Bedstraw, Sweetscented Bedstraw, Three-flowered Bedstraw: Galium triflorum (Synonyms: Galium brachiatum, Galium pennsylvanicum, Galium triflorum var. asprelliforme, Galium triflorum var. viridiflorum)

The photo above shows the 6 whorled leaves of fragrant bedstraw as seen on the southeastern slopes of Mt. Adams...........July 12, 2005.

Paul Slichter