[Wildflowers West of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington]

Wildflowers with 4 Petals Found West of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington

Bunchberry, Western Bunchberry, Dwarf Cornel: Cornus unalaschensis (Synonym: Cornus canadensis)

Bunchberry: Cornus unalaschensis

Bedstraw or Madder Family: Square stems, often with tiny clingy hairs. Leaves whorled (The many leaves arise from the same spot on the stem, but on all sides of the stem.) The white flowers are usually very small, with the 4 petals shaped as a cross.

Bleeding Heart Family: The 4 petals are irregularly shaped and sized, either to look like hearts or spurred sacs. The leaves are parsley-like, but with rounded edges and a blue-green tinge.

Dogwood Family: 4 large white showy bracts which may be mistaken as petals. These white bracts surround a tiny yellow cluster of flowers. Leaves opposite. Dogwoods may be trees or small ground covers.

Evening-primrose Family: There are 4 of each of the petals, sepals, and stamens. The style (long projection from the central ovary has a 4-part cross (X) at its end, or is bulb-like.

Hydrangea Family Mock Orange: Flowers fragrant, with 4 creamy white petals. Shrub to 16 feet tall. Leaves opposite.

Mustard Family: Urn-like flowers with 4 petals shaped as an cross or an X when viewed from above. The flowers have 6 stamens (4 above, 2 below).

Plantain Family: Small brown or green flowers on erect leafless stalk. The leaves are basal and appear to have parallel leaf veins.

Poppy Family: Four large, colorful, showy petals. Poppies have many stamens surrounding a swollen central ovary. The sepals fall off the flower as it opens.

Staff Tree Family: Flowers 4-5 merous. Perennial herbs, shrubs or small trees.

Teasel Family: Herbaceous, weedy biennials or perennials. flowers in compact flower heads. Corollas irregular with 4 lobes. 4 stamens.

Paul Slichter E-mail