[Trees with Simple-Pinnate Leaves]

Pacific Madrone

Pacific Madrone trees (reddish bark) along the shore of a San Juan islet.

Scientific Name:

Arbutus menziesii

Family Name:

Heath Family


Madrones live on dry, sunny, often rocky sites.


1. Small to medium-sized tree (to 90 ft.).

2. Young bark is chartreuse and smooth, while the older bark is a cinammon red. The older bark frequently peels off in thin layers.

3. Leaves alternate on stem, are oval & and leathery in texture. Leaves are evergreen. The leaves are similar to its cousin, the rhododendron, although they are perhaps a little bit shorter and wider than those of the rhodie.

4. Flowers white, urn-shaped, with 5 petals, in drooping clusters. The flowers are very fragrant. Fruit are small, berry-sized orange-red in color.

San Juan Island Madrones

Uses or Importances:

1. Some native peoples used the leaves and bark as medication for colds and stomach problems.

2. Ornamental tree for yards. This is an attractive tree in its full grown shape. However, it is somewhat difficult to successfully transplant seedlings, so if plants are found on a building site, it would be best to retain the plant in its location with as little damage as possible!

San Juan Island madrones.

Paul Slichter