Himalayan Blackberry

[Shrubs with Compound-palmate Leaves]


Himalayan Blackberry

Scientific Name:

Rubus discolor (R. procerus)

Other Common Local Blackberries:

Rubus leucodermis --Blackcap

Rubus ursinus --Dewberry or Trailing Blackberry

Family Name:

Rose Family


Open areas, especially those that have been disturbed, such as roadsides, feral areas, etc..


1. Leaves palmately compound, with 3 to 5 ovate leaflets which are coarsely toothed.

2. The upper leaf is dark green, while the lower leaf is a wooly, silver-white color.

3. The canes or stems are ridged lengthwise, square in cross-section, and very thorny.

4. The flower is white, with 5 petals and many stamens.

5. The berry is a bright black (It is a blackberry!) with many seeds.

Uses or Importances:

1. The ripe blackberries are eaten raw, in pies, jams, wines, etc..

2. Himalayan blackberry is considered by many to be a bothersome, weedy shrub. It spreads easily by seeds dispersed by birds and small animals, and via its stems, which root upon contact with the ground. Once established, it can be very difficult to eradicate.

3. The fresh or dried leaves may be used in teas. Evidently the wilted leaves are poisonous, so it is advisable to take caution with this plant if you wish to brew a spot of fresh tea.

4. The himalayan blackberry is an import from Asia that easily escapes domestic use to establish itself where it is least desired.

Paul Slichter